So here we are in the SanAntonio airport waiting to board for ORD and onward to Paris. And here's the dog report and updates:
1- Spoke to Sarah in Paris. She was never once in any portion of the trip asked for dog paperwork.
2- Junior is panting at my side-- again, no request for any dog papers. BUT the big news is that i was able to buy his round trip tickeet in USD at $175 each way. A coupon is stabled ot his case and I am warned emphaticlaly to save it or I will have no proof that he is paid in full and cleared to re-board for the return to USA.
Sarah was charged $200 for a one way (I paid $175 for each way) and was told no, she could not buy the return-- she must buy it in France and in euros. Soooo i asked Cindy at the SAT United desk if i could buy Sarah's return ticket, not mentioning i also wanted a $50 refund. She said she could have done it only if I had Sarah's ticket number. So note to all who may be in this sitation, have a photocopy of companion's tix!
Toffee's travel will end up costing over $100 more than Juniors because of this oddity. Bt he's worth it.
Now to teach Junior how to drink from a Coca Cola bottle.
Junior and I travelled without one word toward dog papers in San Antonio, Chicago or Paris.
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